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acpiexec - Man Page

ACPI AML execution and debug utility


acpiexec [<option>...] <aml-file> ...


This manual page briefly documents the acpiexec command. The option list is taken from the acpiexec interactive help.

acpiexec provides a simulated execution environment for AML code so that it can be more easily tested and debugged.

Much more detailed documentation may be found at http://www.acpica.org/documentation/.



Display the help message

-b command-line

Batch mode command line execution (cmd1;cmd2;...)

-M [<method>]

Batch mode method execution (Default: MAIN)


Disable method abort on error


Disable execution of _STA/_INI methods during init


Disable Operation Region address simulation


Disable repair of method return values


Disable allocation tracking (performance)


Enable display of final memory statistics


Enable additional tests for ACPICA interfaces


Enable interpreter Serialized mode


Enable interpreter Slack mode


Enable debug semaphore timeour

-f <value>

Operation Region initialization fill value


Use hardware-reduced FADT V5


Verbose initialization output


Verbose region handler output

-x <debug-level>

Debug output level


acpiexec was written by Robert Moore <robert.moore@intel.com>.

This manual page was written by Al Stone <ahs3@redhat.com> for the Fedora project (but may be used by others).


January 23, 2013