R - Man Page
a language for data analysis and graphics
R [options] [< infile] [> outfile]
R CMD command [arguments]
Start R, a system for statistical computation and graphics, with the specified options, or invoke an R tool via the 'R CMD' interface.
R is a language which bears a passing resemblance to the S language developed at AT&T Bell Laboratories. It provides support for a variety of statistical and graphical analyses. R is a true computer language which contains a number of control-flow constructions for iteration and alternation. It allows users to add additional functionality by defining new functions.
On systems which have the GNU readline(3) library, R will maintain a command history, so that commands can be recalled, edited and re-executed.
Most options control what happens at the beginning and at the end of an R session, in particular which files are being read and written, and how much memory is reserved for the R process.
- -h, --help
Print short help message and exit
- --version
Print version info and exit
- --encoding=ENC
Specify encoding to be used for stdin
- --encoding
Print path to R home directory and exit
- --save
Do save workspace at the end of the session
- --no-save
Don't save it
- --no-environ
Don't read the site and user environment files
- --no-site-file
Don't read the site-wide Rprofile
- --no-init-file
Don't read the user R profile
- --restore
Do restore previously saved objects at startup
- --no-restore-data
Don't restore previously saved objects
- --no-restore-history
Don't restore the R history file
- --no-restore
Don't restore anything
- --vanilla
Combine --no-save, --no-restore, --no-site-file, --no-init-file and --no-environ
- --no-readline
Don't use readline for command-line editing
- --max-connections=N
Set max number of connections to N
- --max-ppsize=N
Set max size of protect stack to N
- --min-nsize=N
Set min number of fixed size obj's ("cons cells") to N
- --min-vsize=N
Set vector heap minimum to N bytes; '4M' = 4 MegaB
- -q, --quiet
Don't print startup message
- --silent
Same as --quiet
- -s, --no-echo
Make R run as quietly as possible
- --interactive
Force an interactive session
- --verbose
Print more information about progress
- -d, --debugger=NAME
Run R through debugger NAME
- --debugger-args=ARGS
Pass ARGS as arguments to the debugger
- -g TYPE, --gui=TYPE
Use TYPE as GUI; possible values are 'X11' (default) and 'Tk'.
- --arch=NAME
Specify a sub-architecture
- --args
Skip the rest of the command line
- -f FILE, --file=FILE
Take input from 'FILE'
- -e EXPR
Execute 'EXPR' and exit
FILE may contain spaces but not shell metacharacters.
Run R in batch mode
Compile files for use with R
Build shared library for dynamic loading
Install add-on packages
Remove add-on packages
- build
Build add-on packages
- check
Check add-on packages
Front-end for creating executable programs
- Rprof
Post-process R profiling files
- Rdconv
Convert Rd format to various other formats
- Rd2pdf
Convert Rd format to PDF
- Rd2txt
Convert Rd format to pretty text
- Stangle
Extract S/R code from Sweave documentation
- Sweave
Process Sweave documentation
- Rdiff
Diff R output ignoring headers etc
- config
Obtain configuration information about R
- javareconf
Update the Java configuration variables
- rtags
Create Emacs-style tag files from C, R, and Rd files
Please use 'R CMD command --help' to obtain further information about the usage of 'command'.
Options --arch, --no-environ, --no-init-file, --no-site-file and --vanilla can be placed between R and CMD, to apply to R processes run by 'command'
Reporting Bugs
Report bugs at <https://bugs.R-project.org>.
Copyright © 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License versions 2 or 3. For more information about these matters see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
See Also
The full documentation for R is provided by a collection of Texinfo manuals and individual help for R objects which is also available on-line.
Start R and type ?topic at the R prompt to obtain on-line information for `topic'.
If the processed manuals have been installed they will be available as DVI and/or PDF files in the doc/manual subdirectory of the documentation directory tree (default `R RHOME`).
If the info program and the R manuals are installed on your system, typing info -f R-intro, info -f R-data, info -f R-exts, info -f R-FAQ, info -f R-lang and info -f R-ints should give you access to “An Introduction to R” (the basic manual), the “R Data Import/Export” Guide, the “R Extension Writer's Guide”, the “R FAQ”, the “The R Language Definition”, and the “R Internals”.