QMPlay2 - Man Page

Qt Media Player 2


QMPlay2 [options] [url]


QMPlay2 is a video and audio player. It can play all formats supported by FFmpeg, libmodplug (including J2B and SFX). It also supports Audio CD, raw files, Rayman 2 music and chiptunes. It contains YouTube browser.


-open <url>

Opens and plays specified <url>.

-opennew <url>

Opens new QMPlay2 instance and plays specified <url>.

-enqueue <url>

Adds specified <url> to playlist.

-profile <profile name>

Starts the application with given <profile name>.


Doesn't play after run (bypass "Remember playback position" option).


Toggles playback.


Starts playback.


Stops playback.


Ensures that the window will be visible if the application is running.


Toggles fullscreen.

-volume <0..100>

Sets specified volume.

-speed <0.05..100.0>

Sets specified playback speed.

-seek <s>

Seeks to the specified value <s>.


Plays next entry on playlist.


Plays previous entry on playlist.


Terminates the application.


Błażej Szczygieł
Creator and developer
E-Mail: spaz16@wp.pl
Web page: https://github.com/zaps166/QMPlay2


24.06.16 Dmitriy A. Perlow aka DAP-DarkneSS