PTmender - Man Page

Replacement for PTStitcher


PTmender [options] script_filename images


PTmender is a replacement for Professor Helmut Dersch's PTStitcher. Most useful features of PTStitcher have already been implemented, particularly:

There is also new useful features not available in PTStitcher:

Features that haven't been implemented:


-o prefix

Prefix for output filename, defaults to pano.


Quiet run


Output help summary.


Sort the filenames provided on the command line in lexicographical order (and only on the command line)

If no images are specified on the command line, then the i lines are used. If i lines do not contain a valid filename then the o lines are used.


Panorama Tools was originally created by Professor Helmut Dersch, it's now maintained by Bruno Postle <>.

PTmender was written by Daniel M German <>.

This manpage was written by Cyril Brulebois <> and is licensed under the same terms as the libpano13 package itself.

Referenced By


2024-07-18 Version: 2.9.22 LIBPANO13 TOOLS