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Package psftools

Conversion tools for .PSF fonts


The PSFTOOLS are designed to manipulate fixed-width bitmap fonts, such as DOS
or Linux console fonts. Both the PSF1 (8 pixels wide) and PSF2 (any width)
formats are supported; the default output format is PSF2.

Version: 1.0.10

General Commands

cpi2psf extract a font from a DOS codepage (.CPI)
cpicomp compress a CPI codepage by converting it to DRFONT format
cpidcomp compress a CPI codepage by converting it to DRFONT format
fnt2psf Convert a Windows font-resource file to PSF format
fnts2fon Construct a Windows .FON file from one or more .FNT files
fon2fnts extract fonts from a Windows EXE, DLL or FON file
mda2psf extract the font from a dump of the IBM PC MDA ROM
psf2bdf convert part or all of a PSF Font file to an X11 BDF.
psf2bsd convert a PC Screen Font file to a BSD soft-font kernel header
psf2fnt Convert a PC Screen Font file to a Windows font-resource file
psf2inc convert a PC Screen Font file to text
psf2pbms convert a PC Screen Font file to many bitmap files
psf2raw convert part or all of a PC Screen Font file to a raw font
psf2txt convert a PC Screen Font file to text
psf2wof convert part or all of a PSF font to Hercules WriteOn format
psf2wyse convert a PC Screen Font file to a Wyse-60 soft font
psf2xbm convert a PC Screen Font file to an X-Window bitmap
psf2zx convert a PSF font to Spectrum format
psfjoin Concatenate multiple PC Screen Font files
psfmerge Merge multiple Unicode PSFs
psfpages list codepages known to the PSF Tools
psfs2cpi Construct a .CPI codepage from one or more PSF files
psfs2mda extract the font from a dump of the IBM PC MDA ROM
psfxform Apply various transformations to a PC Screen Font file
raw2psf convert a headerless monospaced font to PSF format
txt2psf compile a PC Screen Font file from a textual description
wof2psf Convert a Hercules WriteOn font to PC Screen Font format
wyse2psf convert a Wyse-60 soft font to a PC Screen Font file.
zx2psf convert a Spectrum font to PSF format