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Package perl-Data-Stag

Perl package for Structured Tags datastructures


This module is for manipulating data as hierarchical tag/value pairs
(Structured TAGs or Simple Tree AGgreggates). These datastructures can be
represented as nested arrays, which have the advantage of being native to

Version: 0.14

General Commands

stag-autoschema.pl writes the implicit stag-schema for a stag file
stag-db.pl persistent storage and retrieval for stag data (xml, sxpr, itext)
stag-diff.pl finds the difference between two stag files
stag-drawtree.pl draws a stag file (xml, itext, sxpr) as a PNG diagram
stag-filter.pl filters a stag file (xml, itext, sxpr) for nodes of interest
stag-findsubtree.pl finds nodes in a stag file
stag-flatten.pl turns stag data into a flat table
stag-grep.pl filters a stag file (xml, itext, sxpr) for nodes of interest
stag-handle.pl streams a stag file through a handler into a writer
stag-itext2simple.pl converts between stag formats
stag-itext2sxpr.pl converts between stag formats
stag-itext2xml.pl converts between stag formats
stag-join.pl joins two stag files together based around common key
stag-merge.pl script wrapper for the Data::Stag modules
stag-mogrify.pl mangle stag files
stag-parse.pl parses a file and fires events (e.g. sxpr to xml)
stag-query.pl aggregare queries
stag-splitter.pl splits a stag file into multiple files
stag-view.pl draws an expandable Tk tree diagram showing stag data
stag-xml2itext.pl converts between stag formats