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Package groff-perl

Parts of the groff formatting system that require Perl


The groff-perl package contains the parts of the groff text processor
package that require Perl. These include the afmtodit (font processor
for creating PostScript font files), groffer (tool for displaying groff
files), grog (utility that can be used to automatically determine groff
command-line options), chem (groff preprocessor for producing chemical
structure diagrams), mmroff (reference preprocessor) and roff2dvi
roff2html roff2pdf roff2ps roff2text roff2x (roff code converters).

Version: 1.23.0

See also: groff, groff-base, groff-x11.

General Commands

afmtodit adapt Adobe Font Metrics files for groff PostScript and PDF output
chem embed chemical structure diagrams in groff documents
glilypond embed LilyPond musical notation in groff documents
gperl execute Perl commands in groff documents
gpinyin use Hanyu Pinyin Chinese in groff documents
grog “groff guess”—infer the groff command a document requires
gropdf groff output driver for Portable Document Format
mmroff cross-referencing front end for GNU roff mm macro package
pdfmom produce PDF documents using the mom macro package for groff