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Package certmonger

Certificate status monitor and PKI enrollment client


Certmonger is a service which is primarily concerned with getting your
system enrolled with a certificate authority (CA) and keeping it enrolled.

Version: 0.79.19

General Commands

getcert getcert
getcert-add-ca getcert
getcert-add-scep-ca getcert
getcert-list getcert
getcert-list-cas getcert
getcert-modify-ca getcert
getcert-refresh getcert
getcert-refresh-ca getcert
getcert-rekey getcert
getcert-remove-ca getcert
getcert-request getcert
getcert-resubmit getcert
getcert-start-tracking getcert
getcert-status getcert
getcert-stop-tracking getcert
ipa-getcert ipa-getcert
local-getcert local-getcert
selfsign-getcert selfsign-getcert

File Formats

certmonger.conf configuration file for certmonger

System Administration

certmonger certmonger
certmonger-dogtag-ipa-renew-agent-submit dogtag-ipa-renew-agent-submit
certmonger-dogtag-submit dogtag-submit
certmonger-ipa-submit ipa-submit
certmonger-local-submit local-submit
certmonger-scep-submit scep-submit