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tipc-link - Man Page

show links or modify link properties


tipc link set
[ { priority PRIORITY | tolerance TOLERANCE | window WINDOW } link LINK ] |
[ { broadcast [ BROADCAST | REPLICAST | AUTOSELECT [ ratio SIZE ] ] } ]

tipc link get
[ { priority | tolerance | window } link LINK ] |
[ { broadcast } ]

tipc link statistics { show [ link LINK ] | reset link LINK }

tipc link list

tipc link monitor set { threshold }

tipc link monitor get { threshold }

tipc link monitor summary

tipc link monitor list
[ media { eth | ib } device DEVICE ] |
[ media udp name NAME ]


Options (flags) that can be passed anywhere in the command chain.

-h,  --help

Show help about last valid command. For example tipc link --help will show link help and tipc --help will show general help. The position of the option in the string is irrelevant.

-j,  -json

Output results in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).

-p,  -pretty

The default JSON format is compact and more efficient to parse but hard for most users to read. This flag adds indentation for readability.


Monitor properties


The threshold specifies the cluster size exceeding which the link monitoring algorithm will switch from "full-mesh" to "overlapping-ring". If set of 0 the overlapping-ring monitoring is always on and if set to a value larger than anticipated cluster size the overlapping-ring is disabled. The default value is 32.

Monitor information


Represents the event count in a node's local monitoring list. It steps every time something changes in the local monitor list, including changes in the local domain.


Represents the current count of cluster members.


The current supervision algorithm used for neighbour monitoring for the bearer. Possible values are full-mesh or overlapping-ring.


The node status derived by the local node. Possible status are up or down.


Represent the type of monitoring chosen by the local node. Possible values are direct or indirect.


Represents the domain generation which is the event count in a node's local domain. Every time something changes (peer add/remove/up/down) the domain generation is stepped and a new version of node record is sent to inform the neighbors about this change. The domain generation helps the receiver of a domain record to know if it should ignore or process the record.


The node status reported by the peer node for the succeeding peers in the node list. The Node list is a circular list of ascending addresses starting with the local node. Possible status are: U or D. The status U implies up and D down.


Represents the nodes and their status as reported by the peer node. These nodes were not applied to the monitoring list for this peer node. They are usually transient and occur during the cluster startup phase or network reconfiguration. Possible status are: U or D. The status U implies up and D down.

Broadcast properties


Forces all multicast traffic to be transmitted via broadcast only, irrespective of cluster size and number of destinations.


Forces all multicast traffic to be transmitted via replicast only, irrespective of cluster size and number of destinations.


Auto switching to broadcast or replicast depending on cluster size and destination node number.

ratio SIZE

Set the AUTOSELECT criteria, percentage of destination nodes vs cluster size.


tipc link monitor list

Shows the link monitoring information for cluster members on device data0.

tipc link monitor summary

The monitor summary command prints the basic attributes.

Exit Status

Exit status is 0 if command was successful or a positive integer upon failure.

See Also

tipc(8), tipc-media(8), tipc-bearer(8), tipc-nametable(8), tipc-node(8), tipc-peer(8), tipc-socket(8)

Reporting Bugs

Report any bugs to the Network Developers mailing list <netdev@vger.kernel.org> where the development and maintenance is primarily done. You do not have to be subscribed to the list to send a message there.


Richard Alpe <richard.alpe@ericsson.com>

Referenced By

tipc(8), tipc-bearer(8), tipc-media(8), tipc-nametable(8), tipc-node(8), tipc-peer(8), tipc-socket(8).

22 Mar 2019 iproute2 Linux