rotate_scaled_sprite_v_flip_trans - Man Page

Rotates, stretches and flips a sprite. Allegro game programming library.


#include <allegro.h>

void rotate_scaled_sprite_v_flip_trans(BITMAP *bmp, BITMAP *sprite, int x, int y, fixed angle, fixed scale);


Draws the sprite, similar to rotate_scaled_sprite_trans() except that it flips the sprite vertically first.

See Also

rotate_sprite_trans(3), rotate_scaled_sprite_trans(3), rotate_sprite_v_flip_trans(3)

Referenced By

pivot_scaled_sprite_v_flip_trans(3), rotate_scaled_sprite_trans(3), rotate_sprite_trans(3), rotate_sprite_v_flip_trans(3).

version 4.4.3 Allegro manual